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Приглашаем PYTHON- разработчиков СЕВАСТОПОЛЬ, Работа на море :)

21.08.2018, 11:29. Показов 538. Ответов 2

Author24 — интернет-сервис помощи студентам
Как дела?
Приглашаем в Крым! У нас есть чудесная атмосфера для жизни!
Не пропустите лучшее предложение!

Компания с европейскими заказчиками
Коллектив - русскоговорящий, но нужно , желательно, владеть и английским- для общения с западными коллегами.
Шикарный просторный офис
Сильная команда
Все официально
Много хороших и приятных плюшек (кофе/чай/печенье/фрукты // курсы англ // орг-техника)

Итак, .... Приглашаем!

Приглашаем рассмотреть вакансию для Python-dev.
Основной офис компании находится в Норвегии, Осло. Наш уже более 7 лет работает в Севастополе.
Сейчас в Крымском офисе работает 17 человек (разработчики, тестировщики).
Направления проектов: IT- продукты для сферы бизнеса Норвегии.

Integration Developer

A large part of any ecommerce development project is integration with various surrounding systems. Most of the projects delivered by Convert involve at least an integration with an ERP system, but often also product information management systems, marketing platforms or other relevant tools.
To deliver a better integration experience for our customers Convert have started developing a standardised e-commerce integration platform which is currently in use by two customers.

We are looking to hire talented integration developer who can help us take this offering to the next step, building robust and scalable integrations for our customers.

As an integration developer you will be working on Flow, our standardised connector-based integration platform. We are planning to open source the core solution and continually improve it with new connectors, monitoring and management tools.

Flow is multi-tenant Python-based solution created to run on Amazon AWS taking advantage of PaaS offerings such as EBS and SQS.

In addition to working on the core platform you will also be heavily involved in helping our clients integrate their ecommerce platform with their existing ecosystem of tools.

The right candidate for a position as Senior Integration Developer will have experience writing complex applications in Python, and have a strong interest in cloud solutions. Experience with AWS or similar cloud providers is an advantage.

Required skills:
Linux/Unix knowledge
Knowledge of scripting languages (Bash, Python, Ruby).
Well written communication in English

As a plus:
- Git
- Cloud/virtualization experience (Docker, AWS,)
- Continuous integration/delivery (Teamcity, GitLab CI, Jenkins)
- Software deployment experience(LAMP)
- Configuration management (Chef, Ansible)
- Monitoring tools (DataDog, NewRelic)
- Relational DB experience (MySQL, PostgreSQL, etc)
- noSQL DB knowledge (Redis, Memcached, etc)
- Elasticsearch
- Experience with Atlassian and JIRA.

What we offer:
- 2 months trial period
- Competitive salary fixed to Euro actual Euro rate for the day of salary payment . (1000-3000$ - в зависимости от уровня и опыта)
- Nice working environment in the best company located in Sevastopol
- Free snacks
- 28 days of vacation
- Possibility to work from home when needed·
- Opportunity to work in a team with huge potential
- Opportunity to work with top brands and companies in the Norwegian market

If you are interested, please send your cv to me and we will get back with you as soon as possible. You are also welcome to spread the word if you know anyone else who can be interested.

Skype- artalex1234
CV: artalex1234@gmail.com
7978 852 4834 (tel/viber/whatsupp/telegramm)
94731 / 64177 / 26122
Регистрация: 12.04.2006
Сообщений: 116,782
21.08.2018, 11:29
Ответы с готовыми решениями:

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Эксперт Python
4640 / 2055.5 / 363
Регистрация: 17.03.2012
Сообщений: 10,139
Записей в блоге: 6
22.08.2018, 14:08 2
Заманчиво, сохраню на будущее, на всякий случай.
0 / 0 / 0
Регистрация: 17.10.2014
Сообщений: 189
23.08.2018, 17:45  [ТС] 3
dondublon, Добрый день!
Step-by-step - приглашаю знакомиться
23.08.2018, 17:45
87844 / 49110 / 22898
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Сообщений: 92,604
23.08.2018, 17:45
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